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RHM's October Newsletter


Random Goodies to Remind You That... 2020 is not a complete dumpster fire.

This month’s check-in, much like 2020, is a bit of a hot mess...

We’re celebrating other female biz owners, sharing customer service tips, doling out parenting ideas (lolz right?!), and high-fiving ourselves for some pretty dope work we’ve pumped out recently. A mixed bag of rando goodies I’m confident you’ll enjoy.

Keep on, keepin’ on people!

#SquadGoals: Meet Team RHM Did you know that if one of your colleagues is a “best” friend, you’re 7X more engaged at work? I was very deliberate when wrangling up a couple of my besties to make RHM what it is. I invite you to meet Carolyn, RHM's SEO Guru and my north star, and Jordan, RHM's Content Master and my most generous confidant. Badassery runs through their veins, ya’ll. Meet the gals >

Girl Crush: Katie Karlberg Katie is a travel agent turned photographer whose drive is just downright admirable. Taught herself photography via YouTube? Check. Isn’t afraid to speak her mind? Check. Sound ass Social Media Advice? Check! We cover it all in this month’s #WCW feature.

Client Spotlight: Gabriel-Glas Gabriel-Glas International (female-run!) came to us with a tall order: help us flip our biz from B2B to Direct-to-Consumer. A facelift, new website, SEO overhaul, and a content/social media strategy later and, well folks, forgive us while we basque in this “proud mama” moment. Use code OCTOBER for free shipping! #wegotchu

Holiday Marketing: The Customer is Always Right Whether you’re a community manager or just someone who needs a good chuckle, this customer service fail story is the perfect example of what NOT to do this holiday season. Shitty brand experiences are inevitable...

*Drunk Drawer = Our digital version of the infamous "junk drawer" we all have at home. Like the items in your drawer, these blogs will be 100% random and 50% useful...

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> Want to post this baby on your fridge? Here it is as a handy dandy PDF.

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